Friday, November 26, 2010

Cricut Cake Mini!

I got my Cake Mini this morning! I went to Joann's about 45 minutes before they opened and was fifth in line. Yeah! My big bargain was the Cricut Cake Tool Kit that I got at Michael's last night. I brought it up to the register to see if they would take a coupon for it, even though it is a Cricut item. The saleswoman didn't think it would, but she scanned it anyway. I couldn't use the coupon, but it turned out to be on clearance for $5.99 (usually $30)!

Anyway, I couldn't wait to give the Cake a try, so I made some cookies today. I was wiped out after making a midnight order at and then the Joann's run, so I kept it simple. For the cookies, I used a Betty Crocker sugar cookie mix. It cut really well! I have 3 mats, and I used all of them. For the mats, after putting down the shortening and rolling out the dough, I popped them in the freezer for 10 minutes before running them through the Cake.

The fondant is Duff's from Michael's. It's buttercream and I'd heard it was supposed to taste good, but I really don't like it too much. Maybe it will harden overnight and taste better? Anyway, it was pretty easy to work with and cut well too. All of the cuts are from Cake Basics. The cookies are 3 1/2", and I cut the fondant at 1 1/4" to 2".


  1. These are soooo adorable!!!! Hope you enjoy it! XOXO Momo

  2. Looks yummy Katie.and ...I ordered the Cake Mini online can't wait to get it. Thanks for sharing your tips. :)


  3. Very cute! Mine was ordered online too and I have to wait for Christmas :(


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